Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The new BATB trailer!!

I'm legitimately trying to hold back tears in the Trinity Cafe right now. I LOVE Beauty and the Beast. The only think I probably love more is Emma Watson. AND THIS TRAILER IS LITERALLY THESE TWO THINGS COMBINED!!!! *screaming* *crying* *cheering*

I don't know if it's the lack of sleep, or my extreme desire to be a child again and not have to do all of my homework, but this trailer really brought me back to my youth. From the costumes to the set, the trailer seriously looks like the animated version. I also think that the song "Beauty and the Beast" is extremely beautiful.

I was surprised because the Beast didn't look as ugly as I thought he did in the sneak peak photos. Maybe that was just because he was hardly on the screen. Emma certainly got most of the camera time. Guess that is the benefit of playing Beauty.

As someone who knows the story pretty well, I thought that the trailer made the plot seem a bit more violet than it actually is. From the rioting mob to Emma's strained "No!" to the swell in the music, they definitely play up the drama. Oh well. A little drama never killed anyone!

I can't wait for this movie! If only it was enough motivation to help propel me through this week... ;)

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