Saturday, September 24, 2016

A Princess Moment

Today I attended a pool party off campus with the cast and crew of Hoof 'n' Horn's 'Sweeney Todd' (shameless plug- check it out here). We were all relaxing in the water, and a small girl, probably around 3 or 4 years old, started waving to us. She was wearing an Ariel bathing suit and floaties, so I already knew I was gonna have to blog about it (#DisneyIsEverywhere #DisneyMerchandiseIsTooReal).

Then, her mother came over and told us that the girl loved Disney, especially The Little Mermaid, and that the young fan knew every word to "Part of Your World." The mother asked us if we would sing it for her. Because we were all theater people, of course we did!

It was a cute little moment, and I really got the chance to see how pervasive the Disney princess culture is in real life. We spend most of our time on a college campus only surrounded by people our age. It was refreshing to see a sample (for lack of a better word) of what we are studying in class!

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